Audio Sprockets ToneDexter Pre Amp – Acoustic Review

Here Ben Morgan-Brown reviews a ToneDexter Pre Amp by Audio Sprockets, featuring…

  • 22 slots for creating/storing WaveMaps,
  • XLR & 1/4″ instrument outputs,
  • character control,
  • built-in tuner and mute switch,
  • footswitch-operated clean boost (up to 8db),
  • bass, treble & notch EQ control,
  • FX loop,
  • included power supply.

Audio Sprockets says…“ToneDexter, from Audio Sprockets, is an amazing new pro preamp for acoustic guitar, violin, upright bass, mandolin and more, that restores the missing body sound to an instrument’s piezo pickup. ToneDexter stores WaveMaps® of your studio mic sound that you can recall when using just your pickup. The WaveMaps transform the pickup signal so that it sounds like a mic—lush, resonant, and natural. You can store WaveMaps of different mic positions and different mics, for each of your instruments.”

Find out Ben’s thoughts in the video above!!

RRP: £449.00

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